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Uses of Minerals
- Magnetite:
- Magnetite is used to remove arsenic from a water supply, reduction of steel, as a thermite, as well as in making of fertilizers.
- Magnetite is used as right from serving as magnetic decor to keeping trains from moving off track.
- Magnetite because of its magnetic properties is also widely used in compasses and other navigation devices.
- Magnetite is used to increase the density of the aggregate portion of concrete to twice that of standard concrete.
- Another important use of magnetite is its use in the heavy media process in coal mining. Magnetite can be added to water in the form of a very fine powder to create heavy media slurry that has a higher specific gravity than only water.

- Galena:
- Galena is used in materials that are made of lead such as bullets, gasoline, batteries, paint, and welding solder.
- Galena is a semiconductor which found use in early wireless communication systems.
- It was used as the crystal in crystal radio sets, in which it was used as a point-contact diode to detect the radio signals.
- Graphite:
- It is used in the Steel Industry for mixing with the iron to raise carbon content. Its foil is used in laptops to keep it cool.
- Graphite is the source of carbon in carbon-fiber reinforced Plastics (used in a lot of sporting equipment). It is also the source of carbon for the making of Buckminsterfullerene.
- Graphite is also used as a dry lubricant.
- It is used in the production of refractory bricks and in the production of “MAG-Carbon” refractory bricks (Mg-C.)
- Graphite is also used to manufacture crucibles, ladles and moulds for containing molten metals.
- Gypsum:
- Gypsum is used in the manufacture of wallboard, cement, plaster of Paris, soil conditioning, and a hardening retarder in Portland cement.
- Drywall, the finish for walls and ceilings, is made of gypsum (called Gypsum Board).
- Gypsum is also used as one ingredient in plaster.
- It can also be used to make honey wine (also called mead).

- Calcite:
- It is used as a construction material, abrasive, agricultural soil treatment, construction aggregate, pigment, pharmaceutical and more.
- Modern construction uses calcite in the form of limestone and marble to produce cement and concrete.
- Calcite has many uses but its primary use is in the construction industry.
- In World War II, it was used for gun sight.
- Garnet:
- Garnets were used in the former Czechoslovakia as far back as the Bronze Age and in Egypt more than five thousand years ago.
- Garnets are used as beautiful gemstones in jewellery.
- Garnet is ground to a variety of sizes to be used as an abrasive. Garnet sandpaper, sanding belts, discs and strips are some ways garnet abrasive is used.

- Quartz:
- Quartz has many uses. Quartz is used in making glass and jewellery and used in electronics.
- It is very durable and also used as heat resistant and has electrical properties.
- Quartz is a mineral that is used to make stones for jewellery. Quartz can also be used for carvings and perfume bottles. Quartz is also used to make prisms that hang from windows.
- Quartz is used in the making of sandpaper, optics, glass, liquid filters, circuit boards, computer components, cement, mortar, and jewellery.
- Time can be measured from the vibrations of the quartz crystals so quartz crystals are often used in clocks.
- Olivine:
- Olivine is used as a slag conditioner and a refractory in the steel industry.
- Olivine is used in Gemstone Refractory Sand Bricks
- Olivine is used for mineral collections, gemstones, and in industry for products that needs a lot of heat. Transparent ones are used for jewellery.
- Some very good olivine samples can be used as a gemstone (they are called peridot, then after the French word for olivine).
- Feldspar:
- Feldspar is used for making glass for drinking, glass for protection, fiber-glass for insulation, the floor tiles and shower basins in our bathrooms, and the tableware from which we eat.
- It is s used to make dinnerware, bathroom and building tiles.
- Feldspar is used for dinnerware and building tiles.
- Feldspar is usually used as flux in ceramics and glass production.
- Talc:
- Talc is used in many industries such as paper making, plastic, paint and coatings, rubber, food, electric cable, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, ceramics, etc.
- It is often used for surfaces of lab counter tops and electrical switchboards because of its resistance to heat, electricity and acids.
- Talc finds use as a cosmetic (talcum powder), as a lubricant, and as filler in paper manufacture. Talc is used in baby powder, an astringent powder used for preventing rashes on the area covered by a diaper.
- It is also often used in basketball to keep a player's hands dry.
- Talc is widely used in the ceramics industry in both bodies and glazes.

- Barite:
- Most barite produced is used as a weighting agent in drilling muds.
- Barite is also used as a pigment in paints and as weighted filler for paper, cloth and rubber.
- Barite is used to make high-density concrete to block x-ray emissions in hospitals, power plants, and laboratories.
- Barite compounds are also used in diagnostic medical tests.
- Muscovite:
- It is used in many products, from mineral make-ups and household paints to electrical insulation.
- It is used as viewing windows for many furnaces and microwave ovens.
- Muscovite is also used as sound insulation.
- Muscovite can be used as cosmetic colorants.
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